Web Version (Roark)
Recent Filing Report
This report provides a recent report of EVERYTHING that has been submitted to eFileMadeEasy for filing. While this report is continuously updated, it may take a few minutes for your pleadings to pass security and show up in the report. Here is how ...
How to Attach Exhibits
Using eFileMadeEasy exhibit service makes attaching exhibits a simple process. We attach exhibits on the fly and file everything according your specifications. Whether you want to attach the exhibits to the lead document, or file the exhibits ...
WebAdmin - Users not getting "Reset Password" Email
If a user it trying to reset a password and is not getting an email, it is likely the user never validated their account. They will need to be sent a verification link to establish the account. IMPORTANT NOTE: When an account is created the new user ...
WebAdmin - Adding Users
An firm administrator can add new users to the organization following the following steps. IMPORTANT NOTE: When an account is created the new user will receive a confirmation email. The user MUST use the link in the email to complete their ...
How to Add a Payment Token in Web Version
How to Add a Payment Token in V5: 1) Click to the Attorney's tab 2) Search for the attorney 3) Click on the Edit button 4) Scroll down to Portal Configurations 5) Click Edit 6) Add in the Payment Token and then click Save -eFileMadeEasy Support
How to input ePortal Credentials in Web Version
How to add in the e-Portal login for and attorney in web version: 1) Click to the Attorney's tab 2) Search for the attorney 3) Click on the Edit button 4) Scroll down to Portal Configurations 5) Click Edit 6) Add in the ePortal username and password ...
"Attorney is not Valid" error - Moving Attorneys to Users List
If you are getting the error message: Uh-Oh! Attorney name is not valid. Ensure that the Attorney is verified. Either try again, or contact eFileMadeEasy here are the steps you will need to take to have the attorney appear in the users list. 1) Go to ...
How to Cancel a Submission In Web Version
If you have submitted a pleading to eFileMadeEasy that has not been filed with the ePortal, you can cancel the file. If the file has been filed with the ePortal (if it has a portal reference number) you can't cancel using eFileMadeEasy. You must ...
How to clear the cache
There are times where you may need to clear the cache for the browser to reinitiate the code for the web page. Here are the steps: 1. Open a web browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc.) 2. Log into your eFileMadeEasy Account at https://v5.eFileMadeEasy.com 3. ...
eFileMadeEasy Microsoft Store Add-In
The Microsoft Word add-in from the Microsoft Store allows users to file pleadings directly from Word with a button click. Quick Guide: WORD -> INSERT -> "GET ADD-IN" or "STORE" -> search eFileMadeEasy -> ADD Detailed Steps to add the eFileMadeEasy ...