Using eFileMadeEasy exhibit service makes attaching exhibits a simple process. We attach exhibits on the fly and file everything according your specifications. Whether you want to attach the exhibits to the lead document, or file the exhibits separately, we do all of the heaving lifting. Here is how to file a pleading with exhibits:
1. UPLOAD YOUR LEAD DOCUMENT - This will be the pleading that will have the documents accompany it. In this case, let's use assume a Motion for Summary Judgment that requires exhibits to be part of the motion. When you select FILE INTO EXISTING CASE you will be moved to the next step automatically
2. Select the filing party and NEXT
3. On the exhibit page you will:
i. Select YES for exhibit;
ii. Select the "EXHIBIT SEPARATOR". Our service will place a separator page between each exhibit with either a NUMBER (i.e. "Exhibit 1") or LETTER (i.e. "Exhibit A") for each exhibit. You can also select "NO SEPARATOR" which will just attach the exhibits with no page between the exhibits.
iii. You can merge the exhibits to the lead pleading, or you can file the exhibits separately. Some counties require the exhibits to be filed separately from the lead document.
iv. Upload your exhibits with the, "UPLOAD FILES" button. You can multi select files if you wish. The order of the files is the way the exhibits will be attached.
You can no finish the filing. The exhibits will be processed according to your instructions and filed with the ePortal